Breast Augmentation in Turkey: All You Need to Know
Breasts are one of the most essential details of women’s appearance. Breast implant in Turkey offers a viable solution for women who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts or experience asymmetry. It addresses both aesthetic concerns and potential psychological issues related to breast size that will enhance the individual’s self-confidence.
Breast implants, also known as Breast implants in Turkey, are one of the most popular types of cosmetic surgery among women. About 300,000 people in the United States have Breast Augmentation surgery in Turkey each year. Breast implant in Turkey, also known as mammoplasty, is a procedure to increase the breast size.
Breast implant in Turkey is a common type of cosmetic surgery that uses breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size and shape of the breasts. This procedure is performed by placing the implant under the breast tissue or chest muscles.
Breast implant in Turkey is one of the world’s most popular and sought-after cosmetic procedures. This cosmetic surgery aims to correct the shape, enlarge, and symmetrize the breast and belongs to the category of mammoplasty procedures.
Experienced and qualified plastic surgeons perform breast implants in Turkey, and it is typically performed under general anesthesia.
Avamedi offers multiple other services, such as Breast Augmentation in Iran.
What is a Breast Implant?
People consider undergoing the breast implant procedure for various reasons, such as improving the appearance of less prominent breasts, addressing asymmetry and irregularity in breast shape, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem, and reducing breast size after pregnancy or significant weight loss.
Breast implant in Turkey is a way to enhance the size and fullness of the breasts. In this method, two types of implants, including saline or silicone breast implants, are used. The silicone implants are usually made of silicone (plastic gel), and saline implants are silicone shells filled with a sterile solution of salt water that is inserted inside the breast through an incision made in the inframammary fold (the natural fold that forms underneath the breast). The type of breast implant and how it is placed depends on the individual’s priority and desire, as well as the proficient doctor’s examination and recommendation.
In the procedure of Breast implants in Turkey, breast volume is increased with silicone breast implants. The goal is not only to enlarge the breasts but also to create the appropriate shape.
In choosing the right prosthesis size, factors such as the anatomical structure of the body and the size of the chest, skin type, and firmness should be considered, along with the realistic expectations of the individuals.
The breast implant procedure not only corrects the shape, symmetry, and enlargement of the breasts but also is many women’s preference. Women who have experienced a loss of breast volume due to factors such as weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or breast cancer often prefer to restore their breast volume.
Why Breast Augmentation in Turkey?
In recent years, Turkey has emerged as the top destination for cosmetic and plastic surgeries, particularly breast augmentation procedures. This rise in popularity can be attributed to various factors, such as:
- High-tech and advanced medical facilities: The medical facilities in Turkey are equipped with the latest technology, which ensures a secure and seamless procedure. Additionally, the compassionate personnel in Turkish medical facilities offer another benefit by delivering exceptional care and services to individuals.
- Turkish surgeon’s experience and skills: Turkish plastic surgeons have a high level of expertise and are extensively knowledgeable. They have a track record of performing numerous cosmetic procedures with the most favorable outcomes.
- Medical Tourism Infrastructure: The notable online healthcare providers in Turkey are another advantage of the country as they provide individuals with multiple benefits. Online healthcare providers in Turkey are to give individuals all-inclusive services from consultation to accommodation to ensure a smooth medical journey.
- Affordability: The price of cosmetic surgeries, including breast implants, in Turkey, is more cost-effective in Turkey than in other countries. This is while proficient and qualified surgeons perform your procedure, and you will be treated to first-class service.
- Integrating medical care with travel: Turkey has numerous tourist sites and locations that allow individuals who travel to Turkey to receive cosmetic or medical services and enjoy the country’s rich culture.
For complete details and to have all your lingering questions about Turkey answered, don’t hesitate to contact Avamedi Health Group for a free, personalized consultation.
Cost of Breast Implants in Turkey
The price range for Breast implants in Turkey typically begins at 5,000 USD and can extend up to 10,000 USD.
The price typically fluctuates depending on the surgeon’s expertise, proficiency, and the brand of the chosen implant. Some of the top-rated breast implant brands include:
- Mentor (made in the USA).
- Polytech (made in Germany).
- Sebbin (made in France).
- Orion (made in France).
- Nagor (made in the UK).
- Implantech (made in the US).
Other factors influencing the cost of the Breast Augmentation in Turkey include:
The location of the medical facility, the surgeon’s experience and skills, the extent and level of complexity of the procedure, and side costs such as medications, compression garments, etc.
What is Breast implants in Turkey?
Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a sought-after surgical procedure in which the size and shape of the breasts are enhanced.
Over time, various techniques have been employed to augment the breasts. However, today, two main breast augmentation methods lead to the best results. These methods include:
- Breast implant: As stated earlier, this method involves using leading and trustworthy implant brands formulated explicitly for breast enlargement to increase the volume and size of women’s breasts. Both silicone and saline implants have the same qualities and can be equally influential in shaping and volumizing the breasts.
- Breast Augmentation in Turkey with fat transfer: The procedure involves the extraction of fat from other body regions, which is then meticulously processed and prepared for injection into the breast area. This method can be performed in cases where women have excess fat in other areas of their body that can be removed. Parts of the body from which fat can be harvested include the sides, the abdomen, thighs, and the arms. Excess fat is often extracted and harvested from the abdominal and flank regions due to their higher fat content than other body areas.
Breast Augmentation Procedure
Here is a total review of the procedure of breast augmentation in Turkey:
During the pre-operative stage and at the consultation, an extensive evaluation of the individual’s needs and expectations is undertaken, and a personalized approach is determined accordingly. This consultation involves a physical examination by the doctor and obtaining comprehensive information about the individual’s medical history and any underlying health conditions. After deciding on the shape and size of the breast, the person must undergo tests such as blood tests and breast imaging.
- In the breast augmentation procedure, the first step entails the administration of general anesthesia.
- Then, the surgeon makes incisions. Different incision options include along the areolar edge, inframammary folds, and through the armpit. The incisions are made based on the type of implant, degree of breast enlargement, human anatomy, and individual preference. However, while prioritizing minimal sutures, the surgeon selects the most appropriate approach.
- In the next step, the surgeon inserts the implants. The implant placement is performed in two ways. The first method places the implant beneath the chest muscle (a.k.a. “submuscular” placement). In the second method, the implant is placed above the pectoral muscle and below the breast tissue (sub-glandular). Also, the placement technique depends on the implant type, the degree of breast enlargement, human anatomy, and the surgeon’s recommendations.
- In the last step of the breast augmentation procedure, the surgeon closes the incisions using sutures.
After the procedure, the recovery and follow-up period begin. In this stage, the individual should wear a compression garment and carefully follow the post-operative care instructions provided by the specialist surgeon.
How is Breast Augmentation Performed?
Here is a comprehensive overview detailing the typical procedural steps involved in performing Breast Augmentation in Turkey:
Making Incisions
For making the incisions, the surgeon chooses the correct pattern based on factors such as the individual’s anatomy, the expected implant size, and the type of implant. The typical incision sites in the procedure of Breast Augmentation in Turkey include inframammary (under the breast fold), periareolar (around the areola), or transaxillary (through the armpit).
Removing Excess Skin (When Needed)
After making the incisions, if necessary, the surgeon removes the excessive skin. The amount of surplus skin removed depends on the individual’s needs and the surgeon’s diagnosis.
Inserting Implants
Patients have two choices when it comes to the placement of their breast implants: either beneath the chest muscle, known as the “Submuscular (also known as Subpectoral or dual plane pocket),” or above the chest muscle, referred to as the “sub glandular” or “pre pectoral” pocket.
At this stage, the surgeon inserts the implants into the pockets. Silicone or saline implants are used based on the patient’s desire and the doctor’s suggestion.
Closing Incisions
After positioning the implants, the surgeon closes the incisions using sutures.
Breast Augmentation Risks
The risks associated with the breast augmentation procedure include the following:
- Infection: Infection after the breast augmentation procedure is one of the most common complications after surgery. After the procedure, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. The prompt use of these medications reduces the likelihood of infection.
- Chronic pain: Having chronic pain after surgery is another common complication after the surgery. The pains experienced after the surgery are short-term and will disappear after some time, but sometimes they may become long-term and chronic. It is essential to understand that chronic pain occurs due to the swelling and contraction of the capsule. Hence, if the pain endures, it is necessary to inform the specialist doctor about this concern.
- Bleeding: Bleeding after surgery is completely normal. The occurrence of such a problem after surgery is due to non-observance of post-operative care, heavy sports, and damage to the stitches.
- Breastfeeding disorders: It is possible that after surgery, you experience problems in breastfeeding, so considering the importance of this issue, it is better to let your doctor know if you plan to get pregnant.
- Asymmetry: The purpose of the breast augmentation procedure is to create a well-shaped appearance, which, in case the surgeon is inexperienced, can cause problems such as asymmetry following the surgery.
- Scars: To perform Breast Augmentation in Turkey, it is necessary to make an incision under the breast to insert the prosthesis; therefore, leaving a scar after the surgery is another common complication of the surgery. Wearing compression garments can help significantly reduce the scars after the surgery. After complete recovery, a little skin scar may remain, but there is no need to be concerned as it will be eliminated with the use of the creams prescribed by the doctor.
- Implant rupture or leakage: Following the breast augmentation procedure, there is a possibility that implants rupture or leak over time, which should only be removed or replaced.
- Other complications of breast prosthesis surgery: In addition to the risks of anesthesia, the risks of surgery include infection and hematoma (collection of blood around the implant), both of which can range from mild to severe. The risks of surgery are more visible immediately after surgery. If you plan to undergo the breast augmentation procedure, you should do thorough research and find a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon with a high level of expertise. Also, common local side effects after the surgery include loss of sensitivity in the nipples.
To minimize breast augmentation procedure risks, it’s crucial to find a reputable medical facility in Turkey, consult with several qualified surgeons, and choose the best surgeon based on your findings.
Types of Breast Implants in Turkey
Turkey offers a wide range of top-notch breast implant brands, such as Mentor (USA), Polytech (Germany), Sebbin (France), Orion (France), Nagor (UK), and Implantech (USA). However, it is common for surgeons to prefer and utilize Mentor and Orion implants due to their unmatched quality and proven track record of delivering optimal results in recent years.
In conclusion, breast implant, also known as breast augmentation, is a favored
cosmetic procedure in Turkey that aims to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. The breast implant procedure is performed by experienced and skilled plastic surgeons using either silicone or saline implants. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and encompasses making incisions, inserting the implants, and closing the incisions. Turkey has become a top destination for breast augmentation due to its innovative medical facilities, knowledgeable surgeons, affordable prices, and medical tourism opportunities.
After the procedure, patients undergo a recovery period and follow-up care to promote optimal healing. Breast augmentation surgery typically involves making incisions, removing excess skin if necessary, inserting the implants either beneath the chest muscle or above it, and closing the incisions with sutures. Risks associated with the procedure entail infection, chronic pain, bleeding, breastfeeding disorders, asymmetry, scars, implant rupture or leakage, and other complications. Choosing a credible medical facility and consulting with certified surgeons is crucial to minimize the risks.
Turkey offers a variety of top-grade breast implant brands, with Mentor and Orion implants commonly used by surgeons due to their tested and proven results. If you desire to expand your knowledge on every aspect of breast implants in Turkey, Avamedi is at your service as a personal assistant, offering personalized advice and comprehensive insights.
Updated and Reviewed by Hesam.M (September 24th, 2024)